Vol. 8 No. - (2024): Proceedings Book of International Conference and Exhibition on The Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute

IMERI, as Indonesia's leading institute for medical education and research, successfully hosted its annual scientific meeting, the 9th International Conference and Exhibition on IMERI (ICE on IMERI). The event, held under the theme “Enhancing the Magnitude of the Academic Health System (AHS) through Collaborative Digital Transformation for Equality, Accessibility, Effectiveness, and Efficiency of Healthcare,” highlighted the critical role of digital transformation in advancing the Academic Health System (AHS). The conference emphasized strategies to promote equitable access to healthcare, improve resource utilization, and enhance overall healthcare effectiveness. Through a series of thought-provoking sessions, participants explored innovative solutions aimed at addressing the complexities of modern healthcare systems.
The 9th ICE on IMERI brought together a multi-disciplinary cohort of professionals, including researchers, academicians, policymakers, clinicians, engineers, and other experts in biomedical research and healthcare innovation. The conference provided a platform for exchanging cutting-edge ideas, presenting groundbreaking research, and fostering collaborations across disciplines. By facilitating meaningful discussions and knowledge-sharing, the event achieved its goal of addressing critical healthcare challenges and inspiring advancements that contribute to the development of more accessible, effective, and efficient healthcare systems. The success of this conference underscores IMERI’s commitment to driving innovation and collaboration in medical education and research for the betterment of global health.
Invited Speakers
Dr. Wouter Van Geffen, PhD - Senior Researcher, Medical Center Leeuwarden,
Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Prof. Endang Aminudin Aziz, M.A., Ph.D - Agency for Language Development and Cultivation, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology
Dwi Oktavia TLH, M.Epid - Deputy Head of DKI Jakarta Health Office, Indonesia
Anis Fuad, S.Ked, DEA - Academician and Researcher of Gadjah Mada University
Supriyanto, Sp.B, FINACS, M.Kes - President Director of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Indonesia
Reza Rudianto Pramono, S.Kom - Digital Transformation Office Ministry of Health
Dr. dr. Ray Wagiu Basrowi, MKK, FRSPH - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Prof. Ir. Akhmad Zainal Abidin, M.Sc., Ph.D - Department of Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Prasandhya A. Yusuf, S.Si, MT, Ph.D - Medical Technology Cluster IMERI, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Prof. Dr. dr. Andon Hestiantoro, Sp.OG-KFER - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Prof. dr. Ardi Findyartini, Ph.D - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Prof. Dr. dr. Erlina Burhan, M.Sc, Sp.P(K) - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Yeni Dwi Lestari, SpM(K), MSc - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Robert Soetandio, Sp.A, M.Si.Med - Primaya Hospital Tangerang
Dr. dr. Klara Yuliarti, Sp.A(K) - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG(K), MPH - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Dendi Hadi Permana, M.Si - Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology
Nurul Paramita, M.Biomed., Sp.KFR - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Dr. dr. Karina Rahmadia Ekawidyani, M.Gizi - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Dr. apt. Rafika Indah Paramita.,M.Farm - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Krishna Pandu Wicaksono, SpRad, Subsp. RI (K), PhD - Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia